"Faced with the imminent demolition of a World War II-vintage structure adjacent to the University of Houston’s College of Architecture, school officials devised a metamorphosis that not only honors the original building’s utilitarian design but also enhances scholarship on the urban campus."
+ Wall Street Journal Covers Green Roofs- "Even without the incentives, the extra cost of building a green roof -- a 30% to 50% premium, compared with a conventional roof -- can be recouped within about five years, says Ed McMahon, senior resident fellow for sustainable development at the Urban Land Institute in Washington, D.C." See Video Below:
+ Forbes.com also had an interesting story on America's Hottest Green Job Markets:
"...the green economy could soon become the nation's fastest-growing job segment, accounting for roughly 10% of new jobs over the next 20 years. The report forecasts that by 2038, renewable electricity production will create 1.23 million jobs; alternative transportation fuels, 1.5 million jobs; engineering, legal, research and consulting positions will be more than 1.4 million; and commercial and residential retrofits at 81,000 jobs, for a total of 4.2 million.
Where will they be? The country's big cities, like Houston."