The auto- centered city of Houston, Texas uses 40 percent more gas per capita than transit-centered New York City.
Reduced commuter traffic helps our environment in three ways:
+ It reduces toxic gases and dust particles spewed into our atmosphere,
+ It reduces chemicals washed into our waterways, wells, rivers & estuaries,
+ It reduces the need to have to find new sources of oil.
If every week 32,000,000 Americans would telecommute at least one day they would not drive 1,260,800,000 miles (equal to 51,000 times round the Earth); would save 74,164,700 gallons of gas, worth $111,247,050.
POLLUTION SAVINGS would be 1,081,955,230 lbs, or 540,978 tons. The pollutants saved would be Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxide, Particulate Matter and Hydrocarbons.
Additionally, by not wasting time in traffic, telecommuters could be MORE PRODUCTIVE for the equivalent of 4,000,000 extra workdays every week. Productivity increases, typical for telecommuters, would provide a bottom line benefit to the economy of $311 billion yearly.
On average, at the personal level, a 30 miles round trip commute = 1.5 gallons saved = $2.25 saved in gas costs alone, or $15.06 in terms of REDUCED TOTAL COST OF VEHICLE OWNERSHIP (repairs, Insurance, depreciation, gas etc) Also, 25.7 LBS. OF POLLUTANTS WILL NOT BE EMITTED into the air that we all breathe. Multiply all #s by 48 to get yearly savings - 52 weeks less holidays etc. Assumes 1 day/wk telecommuted.
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